Liber Loagaeth


Liber Mysteriorum, Sextus et Sanctus


The Book of Enoch,

revealed to Dr. John Dee by the Angels.

This writing begining (not at [Arney Vah ] etc. but) at Oxar Varmol is the 2nd Page of the first leaf of the famous Book shown in the stone, which consisted of 49 lines or Rows & every Row of 49 words or letters. The first 40 of this Page have a word in every little square which could not wel be contained in the little Cells of a square table in this Book - Therefore they are writ thus at large as you see. But the 9 last Rows of this Page had but one Letter a piece, & are accordingly set down at the end hereof, pag. 5. All the other leaves of that Book had but a single Letter in each little square & so they are set down, as here after follows in this Book. Vide l.5 Ms. pag. 142, 143 etc.

The first Page of that first Leaf is not (it ought to be) all transcribed here before this 2nd Page save only the 49, or last, Row beginning (Arney Vah etc.) But they may be seen (& (if thought fit) copied out thence) in l. 5to Ms. p. 150, 151, etc. [The preceding note is by Elias Ashmole.]

Liber Mysteriorum, Sextus et Sanctus

Liber 8us

Leaf 1a [zuresk od adaph mal zez geno au marlan oh muzpa]
Leaf 1b [Oxar varmol pan sampas os al pans orney andsu]
Leaf 2a alla opnay qviemmah.
Leaf 2b zvrebth aho dan lanfal cramza
Leaf 3a pandobna ox adroh azimcholdrux.
Leaf 3b dlod Alged zvrem. ["dlod allged zvram"]
Leaf 4a Zvbla ox arnogan Algers aclo.
Leaf 4b Danfal gest Axamph acrosta.
Leaf 5a Gonzahoh alch arge oho Adanch.
Leaf 5b Zvchastors plohodmax argednon acho
Leaf 6a Sancgonfal aldex, Ave goh adatqvan,
Leaf 6b pvrcha ges maxgem adroth vaxox ahó
Leaf 7a Dam lethgath onzar avoxalgeth
Leaf 7b chvmaxchaberexmapha
Leaf 8a algebadreth
Leaf 8b Oylzongs
Leaf 9a pagesgem
Leaf 9b Avallacax
Leaf 10a Gorvemgemps
Leaf 10b Bacap Laffos
Leaf 11a Ozimba londorh
Leaf 11b ylchvzzapg
Leaf 12a Nopham
Leaf 12b Signeh gax
Leaf 13a t-lallaah gethnoh
Leaf 13b Iaialgh lercol zinrox
Leaf 14a Pincal vexlan
Leaf 14b Phin potagar giron
Leaf 15a Se ger pcopalph
Leaf 15b Oroh Zvn.compvxoh
Leaf 16a Dadavar gedrong
Leaf 16b varahhatraglax pligeo
Leaf 17a Hidrahah glazipvagel
Leaf 17b Engidexol; neolchiph
Leaf 18a Polacax cvbagod
Leaf 18b Zad, ron anchal
Leaf 19a Gedmarg alpon
Leaf 19b Bvzalg long arnap
Leaf 20a Zicha lezach.
Leaf 20b Drem phingel oxah oho
Leaf 21a algonzib virbalox
Leaf 21b Avriz ommaphily geld
Leaf 22a Cehergol naoal
Leaf 22b Fál mexicamps vrom
Leaf 23a Conar vomfagal
Leaf 23b Toxarxh nerhoh gel podnon
Leaf 24a Zichidpha lvziph
Leaf 24b Nervag pranclan
Leaf 25a Demphoz prang oho
Leaf 25b Harodan lempric dohoh
Leaf 26a Chy pled sagnaronph
Leaf 26b Draxph intayfalg
Leaf 27a Vlnen razo vilcomb
Leaf 27b Vincal leorna rvh
Leaf 28a Dababel gel zozaah
Leaf 28b Larvh gohonp babbabor
Leaf 29a ["The first of the leaves"] Famfax lep axax.
Leaf 29b Zirzach bvmazon.
Leaf 30a Tar, vin gabax orho.
Leaf 30b Glonz alnoptd.
Leaf 31a Gemnarv Hvncol.
Leaf 31b Rynh zichzor chalan.
Leaf 32a yayger balpaoeh.
Leaf 32b Car vanal geldons.
Leaf 33a Vio nilg onpho.
Leaf 33b Toxhencol ylnorox ziborh.
Leaf 34a Balvomph chiphan.
Leaf 34b Vingelg laxih parcan.
Leaf 35a Zvda vig pancar.
Leaf 35b Dexvlng chirony gavv.
Leaf 36a Qnabazeb vil pvdar.
Leaf 36b Xanpa phaphingeth.
Leaf 37a Ronlox bapvabap orh.
Leaf 37b Calbahhah genrox.
Leaf 38a Dohvnam gethgol axah.
Leaf 38b Vantavong nargax.
Leaf 39a Pvlgaao ner gisch.
Leaf 39b Archi septh lorox.
Leaf 40a Damponpha nexo gel.
Leaf 40b Dexph geld onchen.
Leaf 41a Ellaxor Natoglan
Leaf 41b Fam filgisch larvouch
Leaf 42a Cemgealg ralphos
Leaf 42b Zodagrap zilpob
Leaf 43a Necprilga lvpvarn
Leaf 43b Depsah onge phialox
Leaf 44a Nelziar pol dolgon
Leaf 44b Parni volchemph
Leaf 45a Acvirzilg chiparal
Leaf 45b Alged on chipráxal
Leaf 46a Clarn nancal
Leaf 46b Lexrox pingh lardol
Leaf 47a Zvrzvh genvox
Leaf 47b Chiromonph zarchan olinorg
Leaf 48a Calgs sedph panglox
Leaf 48b Bapporgel bvrioldepnay

Tables of Soyga:

The first table [ndizbdizbdiz]
2d Table [Retdixbdixbdix]
3d. Table [izbdizbdizbdiz / ohGkAbdizbdiZb]
4th Table [izbdizbdizbdiz / sbGkAbdizbdizb]

Dee, John, 1527-1608.
   Mysteriorum Liber Sextus et Sanctus [Liber Loagaeth] / by Dr. John Dee.
   transcription of British Museum, manuscript Sloane 3189. (dated 1583 CE)
   edited by Joseph H. Peterson
   1. Christianity -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800.
   2. Hermetism -- Early works to 1800. 3. Bible Pseudepigrapha
I. Peterson, Joseph. 1954-    . II. Title.
BF1623. 1998